
On the sidelines of SPIEF’24, the Igronik Group of Companies and the European Medical Center signed an agreement on strategic partnership in the field of charity, patronage and the implementation of socially significant projects.

The joint implementation of socially significant initiatives corresponds to the systematic work that Igronik has been conducting for many years. Nikita Pipko joined the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, which is made up of prominent doctors, entrepreneurs and representatives of culture.

Nikita Pipko, President of the Igronik Group of Companies: "It's time to talk less and do more. The partnership aimed at the development of the charitable foundation "Blagodeenie" will make high-tech assistance more accessible to those who need it. This is the only foundation in the country established by a medical organization with 30 years of experience and first-class specialists. By signing the agreement, we feel that we are helping people, as well as witnessing innovative progress in the field of medicine."

Diseases with high risks of complications and relapses, requiring an integrated approach, modern equipment and highly qualified medical personnel, were selected as the main activities of the Foundation.

Andrey Yanovsky, CEO of EMC: "Charity and patronage are an integral part of the lives of many of our clients. Our common social responsibility is to make complex and high-tech treatment more accessible to those who need it."

Благотворительный фонд «Благодеяние» специализируется на лечении сложных заболеваний в области онкологии, хирургии, урологии и нейрохирургии, требующих комплексного подхода, современного оборудования и высококвалифицированного медицинского персонала. Его миссия - сделать доступными передовые медицинские технологии и инновационные методы лечения для всех людей, кто в них остро нуждается.